Giulia Elohi
I climbed the tree to see the world
About Me
Giulia Elohi, Author
I write stories with the sole aim of sharing them. Through these stories, there are emotions and feelings that cross not only time, but also the imagination. I've always identified myself through the stories of my favorite films, which have helped me not only to get through painful moments, but to identify myself as a unique person, to help me understand what I was going through. Help sometimes comes from the impossible, from believing that anything is possible.
Once upon a time...
If I had a message to pass on, it would start like this :
I dream of a world where listening and caring are tomorrow's norm. Competition would be replaced by camaraderie. We would naturally accept each other's differences and points of view, and where lies and self-interest would be replaced by respect for others. Acceptance means no longer wishing, consciously or unconsciously, to crush the other in order to feel alive and loved.
The world is big enough for people to live together. Let's resist letting the government, our scars, or our education determine our actions or change who we are. Inner wars are only caused by sadness and anger. To change a small part of this vast world, we need to be at peace within ourselves.
Life is an apprenticeship, an adventure if we allow ourselves to listen to and love ourselves. All human aspirations should be given priority to create a world where everyone is accepted as they are. The first step towards healing and acceptance is learning to accept who we are.
Together, we have the power to transform not just the outside world but also our own!